Thursday, 8 March 2012

Well I have, at last, after careful consideration, :) made my final decision. I am going to create a 180 degree Peepshow.   Now, just incase it is unclear what exactly a Peepshow is, I will provide an explanation.  First this type of Peepshow is mostly likely not what first comes to mind, :)) 

During the 17th century the peepshow was a popular travelling fair attraction.  Showmen carried boxes to village fairs into which various comn=binations of scenery panels were inserted to be viewed in perspective through a hole in front of the box. 
 The background scene will be of the Great Exhibition of 1851.  The focal scene will be a printing press sent to the exhibition by the London News; much like the first picture.  As seen in the the first picture the Peepshow will feature a presenter that informs the visitors.  The scene will incorporate an Ardrino for lighting different aspects of the scene, the presenter and the press.  When the light that illuminates the presenter is activated a sound file is triggered supplying commentary describing the press.  When the light that illuminates the press is activated a sound effect of a press is triggered.  In addition, I am contemplating having a light on the visitors and a sound effect of ohhh’s and aw’s triggered with the light.  There will also be a sound file that provides a general background of the Great Exhibition and the Crystal Palace.

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