Tuesday, 20 March 2012

So, I thought I would upload a few pictures of working to place the scene within the finished box.  Of course this is a very rudimentary look at how the picture will place in the box.  The pic will have a 3-D dimension and will sit more center within the frame.  Once the pics are cut into dimensions they will be secured to a stronger poster board screen frame.  Perhaps oval I am not sure, as I am planning to dress and decorate the box. 

As I was loosely placing the pics on the accordion paper, I had a thought that I am not going to completely secure the scene within the box so that I can create other scenes and interchange them. In this way i can change the lighting placement, or not and add new sound files.  As well, as new technologies are introduced, if appropriate, I can update while changing the scenes.  Or, perhaps the sound files could be placed on a loop while the program also changes the lighting.  However, for my project I will only have the one scene...  Perhaps!! 

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Finished product!!!!
The first physical requirement for my project involves having a box in which to display the scene from the Great Exhibition.  I have decided to take off the front of the box and present it open. After working with different cardboard designs and tape this past week, while being sick, I used some of the time to finish the final box for my show.
I had such fun building the box.  I picked up materials at Home Hardware.  Since these boxes were used in the 17th-19th centuries, I used a few building techniques, such as a glue and sawdust mixture pushed into the seems of the box, then sanding to create a smooth surface all round, which dates back to pre-Industrial Revolution time. In addition, instead of nailing the box together I used wooden dowels to give a smooth, uniform surface.  Also, I liked using the historic technique. 
Owing to my projects contemporary visual and sound techniques I also built the box using power tools such as a table saw to cut the wood.   I also mixed contemporary power sanding to smooth out the entire box with classic hand sanding for precise smooth edges.  I took pictures of it all and would like to share my experience!!  I had some help from my guy, (he ran most of the table saw); however, I designed what I wished to have and built most of it myself.  I have also the accordian and slides built and using a method of black and white printing with colouring by hand I have added a brillance to the show, :))
Here are my building pics, :))  Onward with tackling the technology, making it all come together 

Clean Maple board ready to set out dimensions.
Steady as I go!
Getting the hang of it, :))
The shape is coming together, :))
Sand things down to fit smoothly.
Using an old method with a new tool!!   Dowelling is the best way to go.
Putting the sides together. After dowelling.
Fill in the tiny gaps with a glue and sawdust.  Works great!!!

Hold it all together tightly over night.  A mix of modern and antique clamps, the clamp system though is very old!!!!
The Scene fits perfectly!!!
Attaching the hinges along the top.
Little stoppers for the top.  

Saturday, 17 March 2012

This past week has not been fun.   Still not feeling one hundred precent but on the mend.  So today I thought I would look for a few sound effects for my project.  At Sounddogs.comI found a couple great English crowd effect at a fair.  This will work nicely for the general background of the exhibition, when the Crystal Palace light is triggered.  I also found an effect for a few people clapping which will trigger when Queen Victoria and her group are lit.  The clapping will be first then a small soundfile of her comments will play.  Her comments will be paraphrased from her diary writings about the Exhibition.  I also found a great recording for the printing press, well two actually; however, I am not sure which to use.  I am going to try to upload them so everyone can have a listen.  Construction on the actual box and image has begun.  Now if I can just figure out the wiring, my project will really take off!!!!, :))))   Back Soon!!!
Well I tried to upload the effects but i cannot seem to place a music file here.  Maybe someone could let me know how to do that or if it can be done, :))0   Thanks!!

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Well I have, at last, after careful consideration, :) made my final decision. I am going to create a 180 degree Peepshow.   Now, just incase it is unclear what exactly a Peepshow is, I will provide an explanation.  First this type of Peepshow is mostly likely not what first comes to mind, :)) 

During the 17th century the peepshow was a popular travelling fair attraction.  Showmen carried boxes to village fairs into which various comn=binations of scenery panels were inserted to be viewed in perspective through a hole in front of the box. 
 The background scene will be of the Great Exhibition of 1851.  The focal scene will be a printing press sent to the exhibition by the London News; much like the first picture.  As seen in the the first picture the Peepshow will feature a presenter that informs the visitors.  The scene will incorporate an Ardrino for lighting different aspects of the scene, the presenter and the press.  When the light that illuminates the presenter is activated a sound file is triggered supplying commentary describing the press.  When the light that illuminates the press is activated a sound effect of a press is triggered.  In addition, I am contemplating having a light on the visitors and a sound effect of ohhh’s and aw’s triggered with the light.  There will also be a sound file that provides a general background of the Great Exhibition and the Crystal Palace.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Hello, Hope all is well in your world!!!

My recent thoughts for my final project have taken a bit of a different turn.  I am moving further away from using a book, to creating a single pop-up scene that consists of an historic library or perhaps an historic site such as the Parthenon, a castle  in Scotland, or any other historic site where something of interest happened.  The pop-up would have a guide that, when a light comes on in each room, (using an ardrino). Starts talking through a sound file about the room and supplying facts about the history of the site.  I am thinking that I can make this project colourful, interesting and very interactive, :)